BMX Pedal Install: How To
Pedal Installation Instructions
The pedal size is determined by what cranks you have. If you have one piece cranks then you will need to buy 1/2" pedals. If your cranks are two-piece or three-piece, then you will need to buy 9/16". If you need help determining what cranks you have, refer to the Crank FAQs.
What are the differences between molded pins and removable pins?
Molded pins are pins that are made onto the pedal during the molding process. Molded pins cannot be removed or replaced. Removable pins are usually longer and provide more grip than molded pins and can be removed or replaced.
What is the difference between platform pedals and clipless pedals?
A platform pedal is simply a platform you place your feet on. When pedaling with a platform pedal you simply press down(forward) on the pedal with your feet. A clipless pedal has a locking mechanism that will snap onto that pedals specific cleat. Cleats are the part of clipless pedals that bolt onto the bottom of a clipless shoe. Clipless pedals allow you to push down on your pedals with one foot as well as pulling up on the pedals with the opposing foot. This means you can push and pull in the same crank rotation, which generates more power and smoother rotation.
How do I get out of clipless pedals?
To get out of clipless pedals all you have to do is rotate the heel of your foot away from the bike. In a crash situation, this can be hard to remember and could result in your feet staying clipped in the pedals. With a little practice, you should be able to come out of your pedals in any situation.
What do the R and L stand for on my pedals?
Pedals are labeled Right and Left. The right pedal has right-handed (normal) threads and the left pedal has left-handed (reversed) threads. Also, your right crank arm has right-handed threads and the left crank arm has left-handed threads. To determine which crank arm is the right arm and the left arm, stand over the bike as if you are riding it and the crank arm on your right side is the right arm and the crank arm on your left side is the left arm. Most cranks have the size and side stamped on the arm.